Payment is made at the time of registration by card or mobile pay. Classes will be filled in registration order so no changes or refunds are possible. Class registration will close as soon as a class is full. Consequently, please make sure that your child can attend the class you are paying for as we cannot make changes once you have paidThere is no option to participate in trial lessons before sign up.

 online sign up for Spring Semester is now closed, classes start from week 5. please email to to enquire about the remaining class availability for this term.  - Spring 2025 Fritids brochure.pdf


1.      Click on  Become a member  to create a profile for your child:

 Participant First name :    is the child's first name

 Participant Surname :   is the child's last name

 Landline tel :   is the home telephone number

 Participant Date of birth :   is the child's birthday

 Gender : is the sex of your child (man -boy, woman- girl)

 Do not want newsletter :   Click this if you do NOT want the newsletter

 Username :   chose a log-in name for this child (minimum 7 letters, no spaces)

You must complete one profile for each different child  participating in Fritids activities (so if you have three children, you need three profiles, one for each!)

  Confirm the profile by clicking at the bottom of the page:  Create Profile 

2.     Go to Class Enrolment to sign up for a class. Click on the type of class (Sports, Language…) to see the schedule in that category.  

 Find the class you want and click on the price (eg 800 -    )   to continue to the payment page.   You can use Dankort, Mastercard or Diners.   Some classes are offered for Danish kids only, these classes start before 14:50.  

Your child is not registered until you received our confirmation email (and all due payment is cleared).   You WILL receive a confirmation e-mail. Please do not send your child to a class unless you have received confirmation email. Payment confirmations alone (ie mobile pay receipts etc) do not constitute confirmation of registration.

Sign in again if you want to chose another class for the same child.   Remember to create a new profile if you want to sign up another child.

5.    Ret Profil : (change profile) Click on this in case you need to change the information you have given on your child (eg: phone number, address…)       

6. My registrations : (the user's schedule). Click on this to see the classes you have registered and paid for.         

7. Logout her : Click on this to log out or to change to another profile.       


The Rygaards Fritidsforening after school activities association is “not for profit”, run by a board of parent volunteers. Rygaards Fritidsforening activities are partly funded by fees and partly funded by the Gentofte municipal grants. Sign-up for classes takes place each semester (August and January). Rygaards Fritidsforening office hours is Tuesday to Friday 14: 00-15: 30.

E-Mail: .



Update: Friday 10 June 2022, Rachel Prowse

Vi takker vore sponsorer

Rygaards Fritidsforening

Bernstorffsvej 54, 2900 Hellerup